Home > LifeStyle > Beware of Identity Theft – 5 Worst Photos To Post Online

Beware of Identity Theft – 5 Worst Photos To Post Online

With the latest technology that the online industry can give us, we have so many ways to introduce ourselves online. Everyone can upload photos anytime, anywhere by just using our mobile phones.

With the cameras going into more sophisticated features, we all have the ability to make different posts and with the single snap of the camera, we can store it and later upload it online through different social networking sites like Facebook.

1. Don’t post your pictures showing your personal data.

Even if you make your social networking profile private, you aren’t sure that your friends can only be the one who can see your personal photos. Strangers and hackers are not the only threat but also the people you know can actually steal your identity. Consequently, even if your profile is private, meaning your friends only can see your photos, but if you think it more deeper, social networking sites are  notoriously complex. If you set your Facebook Photos settings to private, then your friends who are seeing those photos set their Facebook Photos Settings to Public, then the photos of you can actually be seen by others without you knowing. People between ages 18-24 are more prone to identity theft according to Javelin’s 2010 Identity Fraud Survey. But this year the age range shifted from 25-34. So beware of posting marriage certificates, drivers license and any other public documents that tells something about your personal identification.

2. Disable location services and geotagging

Don’t you know that every time you took a photo using your mobile phone, especially those with sophisticated cameras, it records EXIF data or metadata including, phone model,cameras’ speed, photo specifications and the date the photo was captured. Of course, you wouldn’t spend so much time knowing this because your purpose is to upload and post your own photos online. The sad thing about the photos captured is that geotagging. For GPS-enabled camera or phones, it stores your exact position in the metadata when you took a picture without you again knowing it. Some of the social networking sites disregards this data but some also includes it. Meaning, with just one photo you give your complete address to the whole wide world who knows how to view geotagging data.

3. Incriminating Photos

Many companies nowadays are searching for new hires online. They also use the web to know more about the personal backgrounds of their applicants . The point here is never upload or even accept tagged photos where you have incriminating and unprofessional posts. Make yourself look professional by avoiding this kinds of photos.

4. Cut out poorly cropped photos

Choose your profile pictures wisely. Don’t include cropped photos to your own photos. That will give another meaning to yourself. Give yourself a shot that will give your photo the best look.

5. Avoid webcam profile photos

There are a wide variety of cameras, cheap, easy to use, which means that something that is better than the built-in webcam or external to your computer. Although camera phones are often boast 5 megapixels or more, you can easily eclipse the image quality of a webcam, even on new computers. For many webcam optimized for video, image quality is degraded when it comes to images. FaceTime cameras by Apple, also on the iPad 2, the MacBook Air, and other devices are an example. The  moving photo will look great, but the still images can be grainy and fuzzy.

How to improve your self-portraits
To get a good shot, better to use a compact camera, a digital SLR camera for better image quality, or even your phone. As you can find a tripod for each of these devices (see Gorillamobile for your phone), set up the shot in advance which is well supported and well lit.

For a flattering image abroad, avoid the sun for high noon. Instead of taking your own picture – or better yet, ask for help from a friend – early morning and evening, when the photographers are known for the best type of lighting for portraits.


From : Upgrade Your Life

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